About Us
Aveni - Proofreader, Writer and Editor
Professional Experience
Joni Aveni provides professional proofreading services from
her Milford-based business, Joni Aveni & Associates.
Joni received her B.S. in Communications from Boston University
and began her career in New York City, working as a production
assistant at Doyle Dane Bernbach Advertising, then as a producer
of test commercials for Creative Ways, a TV production house.
After she and her husband relocated to Connecticut, Joni held
the position of Staff Writer and Editor for Waldenbooks' corporate
headquarters in Stamford for three years.
There she wrote content for the company's marketing materials
and provided professional proofreading services for a variety
of internal publications.
Joni ventured out on her own in 1988 in order to create a
home-based business and raise a family.
Twenty-two years later, a broad client base, ranging from
Fortune 500 companies and award-winning advertising agencies
to small businesses and graphic arts studios, relies on her
professional proofreading services and crisp editorial style.